

Allianceマウスピース 監修・使用プレイヤー

  • Roger Webster(コルネット・ソリスト)
  • Jamie Prophet(トランペット奏者 BBC Philharmonic)
  • Lesley Howie(テナーホルン・ソリスト Foden's Band)
  • Jorgen van Rijen(首席トロンボーン奏者 ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ管弦楽団)
  • James Gourlay(チューバ・ソリスト 国際テューバ・ユーフォニアム協会副会長)

※Steven Mead氏も開発に携わられたのですが、現在は 「SM Ultra3」を使用されていて

ITEMModelDescription of MouthpieceCup DiamCup DepthDescriptionComparison
WEAP11-1 1 17.50 deep A real beast.Symphonic model Warburton 1XD / Bach 1*
WEAP12-2 2 Prestige 17.25 deep Developed by Jamie Prophet (BBC Phil) Warburton 2
WEAP12-3 3 Prestige 17.00 standard A very popular model....full sounding and open. Bach 1md/c
WEAP11-4 4 17.00 medium Large robust sound. Bach1X
WEAP12-5 5 Prestige 16.75 deep Cornet players dream crossover mouthpiece Wick 3 rim..deep cup
WEAP11-6 6 16.50 medium Bach2b
WEAP11-7 7 16.50 standard Bach 2c-3c
WEAP11-8 8 Standard mpce 16.25 standard designed around the original MtVernon 7c Bach 7c
WEAP21-1 1 17.00 deep A large mouthpiece, giving a full cornet sound Wick 2
WEAP21-1a 1a 17.00 medium A slightly shallower version of the above
WEAP21-1b 1b 17.00 shallow traditional B cup version of the above Wick 2b
WEAP22-2 2 Prestige 16.75 deep The one used by Roger Webster Wick 3
WEAP22-2w 2w Prestige 16.75 deep as above but with wider rim *New ..wider, rounder rim
WEAP22-2a 2a Prestige (inc. in Prestige) 16.75 medium A slightly shallower version of the above Is this the ultimate???
WEAP22-2aw 2aw Prestige 16.75 medium as above but with wider rim *New ..wider, rounder rim
WEAP22-2b 2b Prestige 16.75 shallow traditional B cup version of the above Wick 3b
WEAP21-3 3 16.50 deep Standard for Kits a very poular mouthpiece Wick 4 / Yamaha King
WEAP21-3a 3a 16.50 medium A slightly shallower version of the above
WEAP21-3b 3b ( Sovereign) 16.50 shallow traditional B cup version of the above Wick 4b
Soprano Cornet
WEAP21-S S 16.25 standard A 'new' mouthpiece for todays Eb cornetists Nothing similar
WEAP21-S+ S+ 16.50 deep For those who want more depth of sound Nothing similar
WEAP31-1FL 1FL 17.25 deep A large mouthpiece giving the ultimate flugel sound nothing similar
WEAP32-2FL 2FL Prestige 17.00 deep narrower version of the above..full sounding wick2
WEAP31-3FL 3FL 16.75 deep
WEAP32-2WFL 2wFL Prestige 17.00 As the 2FL but with the wider rim for comfort
WEAP32-2CF 2CF Prestige 17.00 med /deep Crossover mouthpiece..slightly shallower
WEAP31-3CF 3CF 16.75 med /deep Crossover mouthpiece..slightly shallower wickRW3 / 3BFL
WEAP31-4J 4J 16.50 shallow Jazz/orchestral...for Jamie Prophet in his Jazz quintet 'Excess Prophet '
Tenor (Alto) Horn
WEAP42-1 1 Prestige 19 25 deep Large, full bodied...for strong players Nothing similar - at last, a mouthpiece designed for the modern instrument!
WEAP41-1a 1a 19.25 medium as above but less cup depth to give a 'lift' a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP42-2 2 Prestige (inc. in Prestige) 19.00 deep The one Lesley Howie uses Wick 2 but heavier +_new rim
WEAP41-2a 2a 19.00 medium as above but less cup depth to give a 'lift' a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP41-3 3 ( Sovereign) 18.50 deep Standard for Kits Wick 3
WEAP41-3a 3a 18.50 medium as above but less cup depth to give a 'lift' a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP41-4 4 18.25 deep A great starter mouthpiece midway..wick 3 and 5
WEAP41-4a 4a 18.25 medium as above but less cup depth to give a 'lift' a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
French Horn
WEAP81-2 2 17.00 standard Standard for kits. Paxman 3b
WEAP81-3 3 17.25 standard Reynolds 6D
WEAP81-4 4 17 50 standard Paxman 4b
WEAP71-1 BT1 28.00 very deep Bass Tromb Bach 1 1/4
WEAP72-2 BT2 Prestige 27.50 standard Bass Tromb Conn
WEAP72-3 3 Prestige 26.40 very deep Large Tenor Tromb a la euph E2
WEAP71-4 4 26.00 standard Wick 4AL
WEAP71-5 5 Standard mpce 25.75 standard Bach 5G/ Sch 52e2
WEAP72-6 6 Prestige 25.40 standard As developed by Jorgen.van Rijen Wick 6BL
WEAP71-6S 6S 25.40 standard As above, but sml fit
WEAP71-7 7 25.00 standard 9...small fitting
WEAP71-8 8 24.75 standard 12...small fitting
WEAP52-2 2 Prestige (inc. in Prestige) 26.40 standard The one Steven Mead designed and uses SM3
WEAP52-3 3 Prestige 26.00 standard Tried, tested and developed by Steve Mead SM4 / 4AL
WEAP51-4 4 25.75 standard Slightly smaller version of the above SM5
WEAP51-2a 2a 26.40 standard Standard for kits (slightly shallower than 2) wick SM 3.5 a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP51-3a 3a ( Sovereign) 26.00 standard Standard for kits (slightly shallower than 3) Wick 4 stand. fit a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP51-4a 4a 25.75 standard Standard for kits (slightly shallower than 4) a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP62-5 5 Prestige 26.00 standard Developed by Steven Mead. SM4
WEAP61-6 6 25.50 standard Slightly smaller version of the above SM6
WEAP92-H1 H1 Prestige 32.50 very deep Developed by James Gourlay (for BBb & CC Prestige) Helleberg
WEAP91-H2 H2 32 00 deep Helleberg
WEAP91-3 3 31.25 standard Standard for Kits (sovereign etc) Wick 3
WEAP92-3a 3a Prestige 31.25 standard Developed by James Gourlay (for EEb Prestige) Wick 3 (less deep) a cup gives a 'lift' with higher register
WEAP91-4 4 30.50 standard 24
WEAP91-4w 4W 30.50 standard Bach 24 AW
WEAP91-5P 5P 30 00 standard Perantucci
WEAP91-solo Solo 30.50 standard Wick 4L